
   Thanks much for the help on this issue, but I need to clarify a few
things. First, I'm aware of the purpose of using conditional text, which
is what helped me to get this job. However, I have no real choice as to
having three separate files (my second point), because of our
documentation control system. We number our documents with a one-up
system, including the month/year as the last four parts of an
eight-digit number. If these documents were for a new product line, we
MIGHT be able to get away with putting them into a single number.
However, they are for two separate but similar product lines. The first
one is 1950 while the second one is 2158. Therefore, I have to maintain
having three separate books for each document, hiding and viewing the
appropriate conditional text and saving it to the appropriate folder on
our system. Unless someone has an idea about how to get around that,
then that's the way it is here. Before I started here, the documents
were COMPLETELY maintained as two separate books, even though there was
a LOT of cross-over text between them. Obviously, this made updating
them much more of a challenge and they are actually out of step with
each other by one version. I'm not sure that's something that will
change, either. I'll probably have to use a variable or something else
to indicate the version numbers of the two and conditionalize that, as
   I believe everyone that responded mentioned hiding the conditional
text indicators, so I'll need to check into how to change that. I wasn't
aware of how to change that, which is why I posted my question. So,
thanks to all of you for the tips on that. I'll see if I can determine
how to hide the indicators.
   Thanks again and have a great day!

Samuel I. Beard, Jr.
Technical Writer
OI Analytical
979 690-1711 Ext. 222
sbeard at

-----Original Message-----
From: Miriam Lezak [] 
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 9:01 PM
To: Sam Beard
Cc: Frame User's Group
Subject: Re: Conditional Text Question


If you conditionalize the whole row, that row should disappear when you
the condition off. The colored borders indicate that you've correctly 
conditionalized it (rather than just conditionalizing the text within

If that doesn't make sense, let me know.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sam Beard" <>
To: <framers at>
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 12:39 PM
Subject: Conditional Text Question

Hello All,

   I have a document that uses conditional text to delineate between two
different versions of the same basic product. Before I started this,
there were two separate books for each manual, even though there is a
LOT of cross-over text between them that is the same. I combined them
into a single set of master files and am marking the conditional text,
hiding what I don't want to see, and saving the resulting file for the
two separate books. Now, I have three files for each chapter of the
book: Master, Version 1, and Version 2. All well and good. However, I
also have ALL of the text in all three files, albeit Version 1's text is
hidden in Version 2, and vice-versa. Is there a way to permanently
remove the text for Version 1 from Version 2, and vice-versa, while
maintaining the master file? One of the reasons I need to do this is to
remove the borders around cells in a table that are conditionalized.
Currently, there are large colored borders around any table cells that
are marked as conditional.

   I'm on Windows XP with Frame 7.2b144.

   Thanks much in advance!

Samuel I. Beard, Jr.

Technical Writer

OI Analytical

979 690-1711 Ext. 222

sbeard at


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