
This should go into a FM FAQ somewhere.


On 27/07/2007, at 6:28 PM, Diane Gaskill wrote:

> Michael,
> I have seen this MANY times.  We are converting to FM at my company  
> now (finally - thank God) but we have many large (400 to 800 page)  
> Word docs that contain lots of embedded drawings, screenshots, and  
> even photos.  Documents like this are easily corrupted because Word  
> has some really bad memory bugs, not to mention the notorius  
> autonumbering bug - I mean auto-selfrenunbering bug.
> Most of the corruption in a Word doc is contained in the last  
> paragraph mark (that's where all the metadata (file descriptors,  
> etc) is contained.))  But corruptions can also be contained in  
> section breaks.
> There are a couple of ways to fix the problem.  First, the easy  
> way, although this might not fix it.
> 1. Launch Word but do not open any files.
> 2. Using Explorer, locate the file you are having trouble with and  
> note the file size.  Write it down.
> 3.  SINGLE click the file to highlight it.  Do NOT double click the  
> file and open it.
> 4.  With the file highlighted, in Word, select File -> Open.  The  
> Open File dialog box is displayed.
> 5.  In the lower right corner of the dialog box there is a button  
> that says Open.  To the right of the button is a pull down menu.
> Expand the menu and select Open and Repair.  Word will open the  
> highlighted file, analyze it, and fix a lot of the corruption.
> 6.  Save the file and then note the file size.  If there is a  
> difference from the original file size, you might have a clean  
> file. If not, go to the next procedure.
> Personal note:  You gotta know the Gates & Co KNOWS that Word is a  
> pile of you-know-what.  How many other applications do you know  
> that have an Open and Repair button. Sheesh.
> The hard Way
> Well, it's not really hard, just time consuming.
> 1.  Launch Word but don't open any files.
> 2.  Select Tools > Options > File Locations.  Note the path to User  
> Templates.
> 3. Exit Word.  Shut it down compeltely.
> 4. Go to whereever the path you saw in step 2 takes you and delete  
> Normal.dot.  That's right, delete it.  Or, if you have modified it  
> (that's a big no-no) just move it to another directory.
> 5.  Launch Word again. When Word does not find Normal.dot, it will  
> build a nice, clean, new one with no corruptions at all.
> [If you are fast, you probably know where I am going with this.]
> 6.  Now, create a brand new doc in Word.  It will automatically use  
> the nice, clean, new Normal template.  Leave this file open, but do  
> not save it.
> 7.  Now open your corrupted doc.  See the bugs crawling around on  
> the screen.  (ok, ok, I just threw that in for fun).
> 8.  Turn on hidden text (the Paragraph mark in the menu) so that  
> you can see the paragraph marks.
> 9.  Copy everything in your file EXCEPT the last paragraph mark.
> 10.  Paste that into the clean new Word doc you already have open.
> 11.  Save under a new name.  Don't overwrite the corrupted file.
> 12.  Note the file size.
> If the above procedure doesnt't reduce the file size a lot, do this:
> 1.  Open another new, clean doc.
> 2.  Open youir original, corrupted file again.  In your corrupted  
> file, delete ALL of the section breaks.  The headers and footers  
> will not work any more because the metada for them is in the  
> section breaks.  You will have to create them all again later.   
> This could take a while, depending on the size of your doc.
> 3.  Copy everything in your file EXCEPT the last paragraph mark.
> 4.  Paste that into the clean new Word doc you already have open.
> 5.  Save under a new name.  Don't overwrite the corrupted file.
> 6.  Note the file size.
> 7.  Attach your original template, ficx the section breaks, and you  
> should have a clean, uncorrupted file.
> For more information go to the Word MVP website http://word.mvps.org/.
> Also check out this page on the site:
> http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/AppErrors/CorruptDoc.htm
> The tiele of the page is:
> How can I recover a corrupt document or template ? and why did it  
> become corrupt?
> Hope this helps.
> Diane Gaskill
> -----------------------
> -----Original Message-----
>> From: O'Laoghaire Micheal <Micheal.OLaoghaire at comverse.com>
>> Sent: Jul 26, 2007 12:34 PM
>> To: Art Campbell <art.campbell at gmail.com>
>> Cc: framers at lists.frameusers.com
>> Subject: RE: Converted Word file grows enormously
>> Art,
>> Thanks for replying.
>> There is merit in what  you say but I have converted quite a  
>> number of
>> documents with embedded graphics without encountering this problem.
>> There is sonething unique about this document but I have not been  
>> able
>> to figure it out.
>> Regards,
>> Micheal O'Laoghaire
>> KBS Documentation
>> Comverse Inc.
>> Cambridge, MA.
>> Tel: (617) 273-5414
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Art Campbell [mailto:art.campbell at gmail.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 2:30 PM
>> To: O'Laoghaire Micheal
>> Cc: framers at lists.frameusers.com
>> Subject: Re: Converted Word file grows enormously
>> My first guess would be that there were graphics embedded in the Word
>> file that are now embedded in the FM file and are being converted  
>> to FM
>> vector graphics.
>> The better way to do this is to separate the graphics from Word  
>> before
>> importing (by saving as an HTML file to spin the graphics files off),
>> save the Word file as RTF (many people prefer text) and open that  
>> in FM.
>> Them importing the graphics by reference.
>> Art
>> On 7/26/07, O'Laoghaire Micheal <Micheal.OLaoghaire at comverse.com>  
>> wrote:
>>> I converted a pretty large Word document by opening it in Frame,  
>>> first
>>> saving it as a MIF, then saving it as FM The FM file initially
>>> appeared pretty OK. However after I scrolled throug the file  
>>> (without
>>> making ANY changes), then saved it, the file grew enormously in  
>>> size.
>>> Some specs:
>>> Initial Word document had about 256 pages, a TOC, lots of tables and
>>> embedded graphics Almost everything seemed to make it through the
>>> conversion OK. Perhaps a handful of graphics were dropped.
>>>         FILE                                            SIZE (MB)
>>>     Original Word file                             5.0
>>> MIF File after Conversion                     11
>>> FM file from MIF File  (initial)                 3.1
>>> FM file after a litle scrolling                  13
>>> FM file after a little more scrolling        38
>>> Final FM file size                            ~ 68
>>> I also tried copying/pasting the contents of newly-converted file  
>>> into
>>> a 'clean' new file.
>>> The size of that FM File              72 MB
>>> I also tried cnverting the initial Word file to RTF, then converting
>>> the RTF to MIF and FM. However, the results were the same.
>>> The behavior is also very consistent and repeatable.
>>> I have also converted quite a number of other Word docs to Frame
>>> lately without eny evidence of similar problems.
>>> Question:
>>> Has anyone seen this behavior before?
>>> Do you have any ideas of what the possible cause is (other than
>>> "something in the Word file is corrupted"), as well as possible  
>>> fixes
>>> and/orworkarounds?
>>> Micheal O'Laoghaire
>>> KBS Documentation
>>> Comverse Inc.
>>> Cambridge, MA.
>>> Tel: (617) 273-5414
>> -- 
>> Art Campbell
>> art.campbell at gmail.com
>>  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52  
>> Vincent
>>               and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
>>                             No disclaimers apply.
>>                                     DoD 358
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Alan Litchfield GradDipBus, MBus(Hons), CTT, MNZCS
PO Box 1941, Auckland, NZ. 1140

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