Thanks again Scott!

Yes, I've installed OT (properly or not-don't know) and sundry other
components... Apache... JDK .. Java Help etc and have made the changes
in system variables.

Apart from this, the files we need to copy in various locations...
DLLs ...ant sctips.. project.xml etc... and yes, Dita Options are
pointing to the right locations.

When I start Frame, I get the message that two of the (OT related)
components are loaded.

I am trying to generate output from the "ditafm.ditamap" file...
haven't created my own yet. The problem is if I have nothing open...
and just select "Generate Output" then also it crashes!

Anyway, as I mentioned... I am doing it all over again on my
colleagues PC. Hoping it will work this time.

Thanks for your patience! :)


On 6/7/07, Scott Prentice <sp at> wrote:
> Hi Gyanesh...
> Sorry .. I misunderstood which function you were using. I thought you
> were using the "Build FM book from ditamap" (yeah, I know you clearly
> said the "Generate Output" command). What happens if you save the map
> before running the Generate Output command? It only asks to save if the
> file was unsaved. Also, you can say "No" to the "OK to save" dialog ..
> try that as well. feel free to send me your files .. it's possible that
> there's something in your ditamap that the system doesn't like.
> Something else to check .. In the DITA Options dialog, do you have the
> Topic, Map, and Book structure application assigned properly to the
> corresponding options? When you start Frame, do you get any messages in
> the console window?
> Many people are successfully generating HTML and CHM output through the
> App Pack .. however, this requires that you have the DITA Open Toolkit
> installed properly as well (this is no small task). All the Generate
> Output command does is pass some parameters off to the OT, there is no
> CHM or HTML output processing provided with the App Pack.
> You may want to sign up for the framemaker-dita Yahoo group
> (, since that's the
> forum where these things are discussed more regularly.
> ...scott
> Scott Prentice
> Leximation, Inc.
> +1.415.485.1892
> Gyanesh Talwar wrote:
> > Hey Scott.. thanks again.
> >
> > And sorry, I didn't see your earlier message earlier.
> >
> > But, I am afraid, the patch hasn't solved my problem. I just have to
> > say "Generate Output" and I hear that loud thud... everytime!
> >
> > I am trying to implement DITA on my colleagues machine.
> >
> > But guys, is there's anyone out there who has worked with DITA
> > application pack successfully to generate CHMs or HTML? I am asking
> > because I shared this problem with someone in the Frame development
> > team... and the response wasn't very encouraging. This person just
> > asked me to go for the 8 beta, as it has integrated DITA support...
> > one doesn't need to grapple with the Application pack.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Gyanesh
> >
> > On 6/5/07, Scott Prentice <sp at> wrote:
> >> Hi Gyanesh...
> >>
> >>  I responded to your last posting, but just in case you didn't get it ..
> >> you should install the latest FM update (7.2p158). I have seen some odd
> >> problems with the version you're using.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ...scott
> >>
> >>
> >> Gyanesh Talwar wrote:
> >> > Hi All,
> >> >
> >> > Sorry for cross posting... but this is urgent... so I am cross posting
> >> > this to Framers as well as the DITA+Frame yahoogroup.
> >> >
> >> > 7.2b144
> >> > OT 1.2.2
> >> >
> >> > I have setup DITA and am trying to generate output from the "test"
> >> > example, as explained in Adobe's "Using the DITA OT with Frame
> >> > Application Pack for DITA" PDF.
> >> >
> >> > However, as soon as I say Generate Output, Frame asks to save the
> >> > Ditamap file and Crashes ? citing "7204, 6109890, and 7778516, 0."
> >> >
> >> > I even tried reallocating more space to my C to provide Frame more
> >> > room, but it did not help.
> >> >
> >> > Anyone else also encountered this? Will uninstalling Framescript and
> >> > other plugins help?
> >> >
> >> > Thanks in Advance,
> >> >
> >> > Gyanesh
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

  Gyanesh Talwar
    "Bunbu Itchi"

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