I may be missing something here... But why not simply do a global S&R?
( you could even swap in the new name as a variable...). 

Grant Hogarth
Senior Technical Writer
Equis International - A Reuters Company

+1 801 270 3180 (t) | +1 801 815 8353 (m) | +1 801 265 3999 (f) 

Email: grant.hogarth at reuters.com 
URL: www.equis.com  TZ: Mountain (GMT +7) 

-----Original Message-----
From: framers-bounces+grant.hogarth=reuters....@lists.frameusers.com
[mailto:framers-bounces+grant.hogarth=reuters.com at lists.frameusers.com]
On Behalf Of Kenneth C. Benson
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 1:25 PM
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: Re: Global Footer Change

From: "Owen, Clint" <clint.o...@craneaerospace.com>

> If the master pages are the same in all the chapters, make the changes
in one, then use the "Import Formats" function to copy the page layouts
from the corrected chapter into all of the others. You can do this from
the book level. De-select all the other option and check "Page Layouts"
before importing.

But first be sure that all the master pages in the file you're importing
from really are the same as in all the other files because they will be
after you import. If they're not the same, or if you're not sure and you
don't want to find out, save your file to a new file, delete all the
master pages *except* the one you want to import to all the others, and
then import from that file.

Kenneth Benson
Pegasus Type, Inc.


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