Although this addresses a Word issue, it's because of ePublisher Pro, so
I am hoping those of you who also work with ePublisher Pro may know
something about this:

I recently installed ePublisher Version 9.2 on my PC (Windows XP with
SP2 and Office 2003) for use with Framemaker (but of course, ePublisher
Pro now also works with MS Word). It was a straightforward install
without any issues - I simply accepted the standard installation and
clicked Next all the way through the install wizard and then waited for
the installation to complete. When I open Framemaker documents, I have
no issue; however, when I open a Word document, it's a crap shoot.
Sometimes, a Word document will open just fine and I have a single
instance of the WebWorks toolbar appear; however, for other documents,
they take like 3 to 5 minutes to open, I get a wonderful strobe light
effect, and I get no less than 25 instances (no joke, I have counted) of
the WebWorks toolbar opening. Argh! I have to wait for all these
instances to open before I can get to the Word doc., and as a result of
these WebWorks publisher toolbars, my standard toolbars are
collapsed/compressed or not visible at all. I have to waste like the
next five minutes closing all but once instance of the WebWorks toolbar.
For the life of me, I can't figure out why on earth this happens with
some Word documents, and not others, and quite frankly, why it happens
at all. I have never had toolbar issues with Word documents until AFTER
I installed ePublisher Pro, and I am getting quite frustrated. Like I
said, it was a standard install, so whatever is causing this is "behind
the scenes" and well out of my control.

Has anyone seen this really, really weird problem with Word before (OK,
I know weird problems and Word go hand in hand, but I am classifying
this as a really, really weird problem!) and knows what to about it? Any
and all advice/input/help is sincerely appreciated.



Tammy L. Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Fiserv Insurance Solutions 
Property and Casualty Division
tammy.vanboening at
Keep smiling, at least until you get your own way.

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