
   Thanks for the information, but perhaps there's some confusion. I'm
not using Word for any of this. It's all staying in Frame. The
information section I'm having a problem with is from another Frame
document that someone else wrote and I need to include in my document.
Everything worked fine except for the figure numbers for two figures
that are contained in the same anchored frame. The figure captions are
included in text boxes inside the larger anchored frame and the figures
themselves are in anchored frames inside the larger anchored frame. The
figure captions have no flow indicators assigned to them, unlike all the
other figure captions in the document, which is why they're out of order
with the rest of them, I believe. 

   I could simply redo those figures and their captions, separating them
out from the larger anchored frame, and I may yet have to do just that.
However, I'm trying to keep the look the same as much as I can, which is
why I asked for some help in figuring out how to assign the flow and
make them join the rest of the document. However, I'm not having any
luck on getting answers. Unless it's ME that's misunderstanding YOU!
Always a distinct possibility!

Thanks for the help!

Samuel I. Beard, Jr.

Technical Writer

OI Analytical

979 690-1711 Ext. 222

sbeard at oico.com


From: HBacheler at aol.com [mailto:hbache...@aol.com] 
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 7:05 PM
To: Sam Beard; framers at frameusers.com
Cc: techwr-l at lists.techwr-l.com
Subject: Re: Text Flow and Figure Numbering Issue

In my experience with Word (since 2.0 or so (1985/86) I have not had
good success using frames.  However, they work for some.

I would suggest the following.

Take the original information you have in FM.

Save the information in a Word document.

Capture the text.

Put it in the 'word' document.

Do what you need to do so that the format in your word document has is
'the same as' the FM "image"

Copy this information from the 'word' document

Paste it into the 'new' word document wheere you want it.

Set up your captions

Yo9u should see a 'good' segment in your document.




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