At 01:21 -0700 25/6/07, Radha Padmanabhan wrote:

>* Each chapter start has $header_footer1 set to the chapter no. (hard coded)
>* the thumbtab image in the master pages remain in the same position for every 
>(Still the tabs move when seen in body pages )
>* the thumbtab image also holds a place (text frame?) for Runnung H/F4.

The technique is to place the thumbtab, as an anchored frame, in its own 
rotated frame(s) on the marker page, and then 'drive' it down the page by 
preceding it with a running h/f variable. There are a couple of techniques. You 
could be completely forgiven for being unable to fox it out ;-)

At 10:57 -0700 26/6/07, Pat Christenson wrote:

>The tutorial and lots of other useful stuff is listed on 
> but I can't get any of them to 
>open or download. I wanted to compare to the process I'm using. Help?

Looks like this part of the new website isn't totally debugged yet. I have a 
copy: mail me off list if you want one. I also used Brad's technique, in a 
modified form, in a recent book, and wrote it up in an article of my own. I can 
provide a copy of that to anyone who wants it if required.


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