Hmmm ...

What was the exact entry in the "message URL readme.html" in the Syntax

Did you use/try a relative path (i.e., "message URL ./readme4.5.html")
to make sure that it looked in the current directory rather than the
default directory of the browser? If you did do that, then I am not sure
why it did not work.


Carol Wade wrote:
> Thanks Syed & Mike. The document will not be on an accessible server,
> but will be in the same directory with the PDF.
> When I tried what Mike suggested below, and clicked the link in the PDF,
> a browser was opened with the following in the Address (URL) box:
> http://readme4.5.html/
> Obviously, that page was not found.
> Did I miss something?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Feimster [mailto:mike.feimster at] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 11:03 AM
> To: Carol Wade; framers at
> Subject: RE: link to HTML doc from PDF
> Yes. 
> Insert a hypertext marker with the Command "Go to URL" where you want to
> insert the hyperlink.
> In the Syntax box enter "message URL readme.html" without the quotes.
> This assumes that readme.html is in the same directory as the pdf. If
> it's not, you can put in either a relative path, absolute path, or web
> site url.
> Mike

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