David Shaked (Wernick) wrote: 

> I would like to revise my original question. My primary need 
> is not to paste text. It is to paste variables, as follows:
> 1. Insert a variable in a particular location. The variable 
> contains the product name or other branding information.
> 2. Copy the variable.
> 3. Use find/change by pasting to insert the variable in 
> hundreds of other locations. In all cases, the variable 
> should assume the formatting of the target location.

As you've discovered, when you copy a variable, you're copying
_that_specific_instance_ of the variable, including the formatting it
acquired from its context. 

You need the EZVars plugin from Electropubs
(http://www.electropubs.com/). It solves your specific problem by
letting you search for a text string and replace it with a variable --
not a copied instance, but a newly created variable, which assumes the
correct font, etc., for that location. 

EZVars make working with variables much easier in general. It's only
$15. I highly recommend it. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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