Syed Zaeem Hosain wrote:
> When using Sideheads, I found that if the table widths are relatively
> small, table titles do not go into the sideheads.
> Somebody once sent me a solution, which I find myself unable to do
> again in a new document I am working on. This solution, as I recall,
> was to create a new paragraph format, which was over the Sidehead
> area, but had *negative* "before pgf" and "after pgf" settings to
> help eliminate the extra spaces to the previous body paragraphs.
> So, I redid a new format called, not surprisingly, "Table Anchor",
> where I place the table. The font for this is set to 2 pts too.
> I can get the table to go into the sidehead doing the above, BUT
> the extra space does not go away (although it is less than before
> due to the font size) - remains the same as if I had left the
> space setting at 0!
> Any hints as to how to fix this extra space problem?

I'm a little confused by your references to sideheads, and I'm not sure 
whether you want your table title in the sidehead or not...

But in any case, the little trick involving negative spacing is this: In 
your dedicated and otherwise empty anchoring pgf, set the font to any 
convenient size (does not have to be 2pt, which can make the pgf hard to 
select) and set the Space Below to a negative number *with an absolute 
value greater than the font size*. In the table designer, set the Space 
Above to the same negative value.

E.g., TableAnchor pgf tag: font 10pt, Space Below -12pt
Table tag: Space Above -12pt

You may also find it useful to set a unique colour for the TableAnchor 
pgf tag, so that the pilcrow is easy to identify when text symbols are 


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

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