Alas, there is no such thing as a double-spacing control
for PDF. PDF is a final form document format. The relationship
between your FrameMaker document and the resultant PostScript
and PDF files is that of matching the format 1:1 as much as
possible. Your only way to "double space" is to change
templates or more likely, paragraph styles.

        - Dov

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Williams
> Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 8:33 AM
> Hi All,
> This may be one of those 'Well, if I KNEW which menu and 
> function this was - I'd have already done it myself' questions, but...
> Wondering HOW to simply double-space my PDF output doc (from 
> a structured Frame book) - so that our writers can more 
> easily make mark ups on the hardcopy. They write - we 
> production wonks put their stuff into the frame books. (We 
> like it this way - less chances for them to screw up the frame
> files.)
>  - NOTE: As our structured Frame books are driven by fairly 
> complex templates (customer provided and managed), I'd rather 
> find a way to simply double-space the PDF from Acrobat or 
> Distiller(?) rather than trying to monkey around in the 
> template (ugh).  Or, is there a way in Frame that before I 
> generate my .PS files to Distiller, that I can selectively 
> invoke a double-spacing of the output?
> Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this - (bowing lowly and
> respectfully) oh great oracles of framemaker / acrobat / 
> distiller knowledge bits.
> Regards all,
> Bob Williams

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