Hi All,
I agree with Diane.
I have encountered candidates with english degrees and certifications in
english who have failed badly when it comes to the writing piece and working
on the relevant documentation tools.


On 5/16/07, Diane Gaskill <dgcaller at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Rene, All,
> Be careful about rejecting applicants without a degree, and don't count on
> an applicant having a degree being qualified for the job.
> As a Tech Pubs Manager for 10 years, I disqualified several people with
> MAs
> and even PhDs because they had little or no technical experience.  And I
> hired more than one writer with no degree but had a great deal of tehnical
> experience and writing talent as well.  I would strongly encourage you to
> look at each applicant individually and consider equivalent experience
> when
> screening and hiring writers.
> I suggest that you consider other degrees besides English as well.  A
> degree
> in English does not by itself qualify anyone to be a TECHNICAL
> writer.  I'd
> personally rather hire someone with a degree in engineering or computer
> science and who is a good writer.  But people with those degrees are
> usually
> sw developers or designers, not writers.
> Diane Gaskill
> San Jose, CA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: framers-bounces+dgcaller=earthlink.net at lists.frameusers.com
> [mailto:framers-bounces+dgcaller=earthlink.net at lists.frameusers.com]On
> Behalf Of Lise Bible
> Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 1:25 PM
> To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
> Subject: Re: Entry Level Technical Writer - Contract - Moorpark, CA
> Well, I guess I can kind of see both sides. I've been a tech writer at
> my company for a year and a half, and it is frustrating when others
> assume that if you can type and spell
> (or *not* spell..."hey, that's what spell-check is for, right?") then
> you're fully qualified to be a tech writer.
> But it is hard to break out of the "admin" mold. I don't have a degree
> in English, but I have a BA in Psychology. I majored in Psych because
> I thought the classes were really quite interesting, not having a
> specific career goal in mind. After college, I started temping, and
> ended up in an admin/customer service role at a manufacturing company.
> Among other things, I wrote work instructions and the like for my
> department, learned PageMaker and became an expert at Word. Two
> acquisitions, two office moves and 2 years later, the tech writer
> position here opened up, and I applied.
> I think my former boss went to bat for me, as they moved the position
> out of the marketing department and into the Engineering Services
> department (where I was already), and here I am. I've since taken
> classes in Frame and a Tech Writing course through University of IL at
> Chicago, and I find I have an affinity for the job.
> Moral of my story, I guess, is that it's not a bad thing to think
> outside the box, hiring-wise, but yes, it is hard to effectively weed
> out the unqualified while finding the right person for the job.
> -Lise
> On 5/15/07, Rene Stephenson <rinnie1 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > I have had secretaries apply for tech writer openings in my group.
> Internal candidates always get phone screening, so I'd have to call them.
> I
> always asked what they felt were their qualifications, and they all
> responded that they had "good English" and were experts with MS Word. They
> wrote lots of corresondence and updated their draft letters with the
> "edits"
> from their bosses, so they "knew" how to handle document review. We had to
> start posting BA or higher in English or directly relevant field as a
> minimal requirement with no "equivalency" allowed.
> >
> >  Rene
> >
> >
> > Keith Smyth <smythkl_1 at express56.com> wrote:
> >  As in "So easy a Caveman could do it"?
> >
> > I am sure all of us have had the experience of someone totally clueless
> > thinking all we do is type. Had a gal at one of our square dances from
> > our church in 1983 tell me that while she is a store clerk, she is going
> to
> > become a tech writer, "because if you can do it, anyone can do it".
> >
> > And she went to an interview. Never heard from her again.
> >
> >
> > >You think that's insulting? When we had a req open for another tech
> > >writer in January, we had people from our shipping department and the
> > >warehouse coming to us and asking us if they could apply for the job.
> As
> > >if Tech Writing was so easy, someone with shipping or warehouse
> > >experience could do it.
> > >
> > >
> > >Thank you,
> > >
> > > -Gillian
> >
> > --
> > Keith L. Smyth
> > President
> > Smyth Consulting
> > -------------------------------------------------------------
> > Religion was in charge during the dark ages.
> > -------------------------------------------------------------
> > Technical Documentation Consultant
> >
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> >
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> >
> > Rene L. Stephenson
> > eNovative Solutions, Inc.
> > Business Phone: 678-513-0051
> > Email: rinnie1 at yahoo.com
> >
> >
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