On 5/18/07, Ann Zdunczyk <azdunczyk at triad.rr.com> wrote:
> It is interesting that I have been hearing about paperless offices for years
> but have yet to see one.

On the news last night there was a story about one of the Baltic
states (Estonia or Latvia, IIRC) complaining that Russia was attacking
their computer systems (which, of course Russia denies!). This state
is probably the only one in the world (or at least the first one) that
went for the paperless office in their government offices.
The CEO of F-Prot (www.fprot.com) commented that sadly it is very easy
to attack and force to a standstill such systems, and that [some of]
the former USSR nations were using this as a political weapon.

I am not going to elaborate about it here, but such attacks can be
very difficult to track, and more so as the attackers usually use
thousands of "sleepers" all over the world for these attacks. There
is, I understand, no solution to the problem in sight.

I do not see a paperless office in the near future. There would have
to be a major change in the Internet system for that to happen --
which might just as well end in doing away with the Internet as such.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
-- never pessimistic, even on a Monday.

> OK my two cents for a Friday.
> Have a GREAT weekend everyone.
> Z
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