Acrobat 8.0's shared review capability tags each person's comments with
their name, plus it allows everyone to see each other's comments. 

I have converted a lot of Word forms to Interactive PDFs here. I hear a
lot of, "I want to be able to do exactly the same thing that I could do
in Word in Acrobat" from my colleagues. Many times I have had to tell
them something like, "You get 50 great new features with Adobe forms,
but you will have to give up three good features from Word. Sorry,
that's progress." They don't like it, but they have to deal with it.
Just stand firm, Dianne. Tell them that the advantages of Frame are
numerous and they're just going to have to grow up and deal with losing
crappy Word (of course, you can be more diplomatic when you say it if
you want to <g>) 

If they insist on Frame, then like Fred said, use conditional text where
each person gets their own condition with their own color.

But why would you let someone else touch your Frame files? I won't.
That's why I only give engineers Acrobat files.


-----Original Message-----
From: Diane Gaskill [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 3:34 AM
To: Flato, Gillian; Diane Gaskill; framers at
Subject: RE: FM Plugin - Highlighting like Word?

Hi Gillian, Fred, and Art,

They know about Acrobat and its capabilities, but they want to do it in
source.  FM8's track changes feature has only two colors: red strikeout
deleted text and green underline for added text.  Other than that, it

Adobe's ads and the FM8 user's guide are a bit misleading.  They call
colored text "highlighting."  Well, maybe in a generic sense, but it's
most people consider highlighting.

What they are looking for is a way to identify different people who make
edits to the same file.  Word does that well (but not much else :-)

Fred Ridder's idea about using conditional text might work.  We'd just
to set up some tags with different colors.  But Art's idea of a set of
character tags might be the easiest way to go.  Very easy to return to
original color by pressing F8.  Ctrl-A - F8 - Enter would clean up a
chapter in 5 seconds.

I'll let the guys in Japan know.  They don't have FM8 yet.  Some of them
don't have FM at all.

The transition from Word to FM is going to be really interesting, I

Thanks everybody.


-----Original Message-----
From: Flato, Gillian []
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 2:35 PM
To: Diane Gaskill; framers at
Subject: RE: FM Plugin - Highlighting like Word?


In Acrobat you can do that. Just make a PDF for them and they can mark
that up. Or they can use the track changes feature in Frame 8.0.

Thank you,

Gillian Flato
Technical Writer (Software)
1550 Buckeye Dr.
Milpitas, CA. 95035
gflato at

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Diane Gaskill
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 1:47 PM
To: framers at
Subject: FM Plugin - Highlighting like Word?

Hello FrameFriends,

We are switching from Word to FM (some of us are already using FM8), but
colleagues in Japan still want to be able to highlight things like they
in Word. (Old habits are hard to break, I guess.)

So - I'm looking for an FM plug-in that will let you highlight text.

Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.


Diane Gaskill
Hitachi Data Systems


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