Dear experts

   After opening a number of FM7 files in FM8 and updating the book i get
   this error for two of the files:


   Show/Hide setting for FM8_SYSTEM_HIDEELEMENT is inconsistent.


   Show/Hide setting for FM8_SYSTEM_HIDEELEMENT is inconsistent.

   I do not work with struktured FM, so ...ELEMENT sounds obscure to me,
   although the text "element" appears very often in one of the

   When clicking on the link in the book error file it jumps to the
   beginning of the first flow in the document. But i have no clue what
   kind of error i must look for.

   There is no string "FM8_SYSTEM" in the MIF file which I created from
   the FM file to find the problem.

   Does anyone of You have an idea what this is and how i can get rid of
   the message during book update?

   Thank You

   Klaus Daube


   Docu + Design Daube; Sch?racher 11; CH-8053 Z?rich

   Technical documentation & consultancy; On-line and paper

   Phone:  +41-44-422 86 25  FAX: +41-44-422 82 78

   E-mail: ddd at      Web:

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