Hi Paul...

FM7.2 did ship with a DITA application, but it was more of an example, 
and not something that was actually usable in any practical way.

Adobe offered the DITA App Pack for FM7.2 for some time, but when FM8 
came out they pulled that to encourage people to move to FM8. We are 
offering a plugin called DITA-FMx which is available for FM7.2 (and 7.1 
if needed). This is available at no cost from ..


Let me know if you have any questions.



Scott Prentice
Leximation, Inc.

obair81 at comcast.net wrote:
> It was my understanding that 7.2 had support for DITA, but a search of the 
> 7.2 help file found nothing for DITA.
> Do I need to go to 8.0?
> Thanks.
> best,
> Paul

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