Thank you Valerie!  How did you find out what the workaround was?

We just ordered FM 8 for the whole department based on my recommendation.
My boss would not have been too happy if we could not PDF a book.

Oddly enough, though I am pretty sure I PDF a book in the beta version.  I
wonder what they did that caused the bug in the released version....

I'd be willing to bet they have a patch out soon.




-----Original Message-----
[ at]On
Behalf Of Valerie Lipow
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 2:15 PM
To: framers at
Cc: Ttony.marek at
Subject: Re: Don't Iinstall Frame 8 If You PDF Your Books

Wrong! FrameMaker 8 DOES make PDFs with cross-references.

What you need to do is to create the Acrobat settings to Generate Tagged

Until Adobe creates a patch, to generate PDF in 8, you must check Yes in the
Generate Acrobat Data > PDF Setup... > Links >G enerate Tagged PDF section
of the File > Print Book window.

This a known bug.

Valerie Lipow
vallipow at

On 9/14/07, Tony Marek <tony.marek at> wrote:
>    There's a critical bug in Frame 8, which I just spent an afternoon and
>    morning tracking down on my own and with some questionable help from
>    Adobe Tech Support (30 min. phone wait once they put me in the
>    queue).  Frame 8 cannot currently create a PDF file for an entire book
>    if there are cross-references within the document. PDFing works
>    chapter by chapter, but not for an entire book. The tech support guy I
>    just got off the phone with, after some asking around while I held for
>    another 10 minutes, discovered that this is the current situation and
>    there's no workaround. (Why he did not already know I don't know.) So
>    Frame 8 is useless for PDFing any books that contains cross-refs --
>    e.g. all the books my group publishes.
>    I've unistalled 7.1 already and now have to reinstall -- and save my
>    Frame 8 files to Frame 7.
>    I await the patch that fixes this but the Adobe tech would not predict
>    when that would be.  On top of that, there is Nothing posted on this
>    in the Adobe Support site.
>    Adobe is officially too big. They've become MicroSoft.
>    --
>    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>    Tony Marek
>    Technical Publications Manager
>    PDF Solution, Inc.
>    333 West San Carlos Street, Suite 700
>    San Jose, CA
>    phone: 408.283.5636
>    fax: 408.280.7915
>    [1]
 sources and info.

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