Hi Kelly

Very strange and worrying that FM didn't preserve the xrefs. You did
update the book/s after making the changes?

> I do appreciate the suggestion of a hand-code fix in plain text, but
there are far too many for a one-man shop...regards, Kelly.

Are you sure? I'd expect that you could use a decent text editor to
open all the files from all 64 books at once and do search and replace
across all files in a single operation. I just looked at a MIF file and
the syntax for a within-book xref just seems to be this (where
filename.fm is the name of the file):
<XRefSrcFile `<c\>filename.fm'>

I think you could just search for that string with the old filename and
replace with the same string and the new filename. You don't need to
worry about where in the document the xref goes - that's a separate line
in the code. 
Even if you have to do the search for each file in 64 books, it sounds
quicker to me than any other option, unless IXGen has powers I don't
know about.

Back up before you play with the MIF files!

Cheers, Rebecca

-----Original Message-----
From: Combs, Richard [mailto:richard.co...@polycom.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 2:48 PM
To: Fred Ridder; Kelly McDaniel; framers at lists.frameusers.com 
Subject: RE: Broken xrefs

Fred Ridder wrote:

> FrameMaker only knows to update generated files that have the 
> same base filename as the book plus the relevant generated 
> file suffix (e.g.
> ...TOC, ...LOF, ...IX). If the names of the existing 
> generated files don't follow the pattern, FrameMaker will 
> generate brand-new, unformatted generated files rather than 
> updating the existing ones.

Fred's right about changing file names within FM so that xrefs are
updated -- not to mention the book file itself. But he's wrong about
generated files. At least since FM6, FM hasn't relied on the file
to identify generated files. Assuming you change your TOC file's name
within the book window as Fred advised, FM will still know it's your
file and will happily update it.

But, if you rename your TOC file outside of FM, then FM can't find it,
and will generate a new one that has the name listed in the book
(which will be either the naming pattern Fred specified or whatever
you previously gave it in the book window).

Getting back to fixing your broken links, you could save the files as
MIF, open them as text, and use find/replace operations to update the
file names.


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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