I think I may have accidentally come across a simple fix to the following 
problem, which tripped me up on a previous job in FrameMaker:

. You are working on a document or book that uses a spot color for both text 
and graphics

. The final job must print on no more than two plates

. The book uses illustrations prepared in a package like Illustrator

. The name of the spot (for example, Pantone) shade differs between FrameMaker 
and Illustrator

. This causes the final PDF to contain two plate definitions for the same 
color, one for the FrameMaker spot color and one for the illustrations, making 
the final plate count three and not two.

I had battled with this before and not fixed it, so the printer had to alias 
the two spot plates together. 

If you create a color definition from a Pantone library in FrameMaker and then 
change its name, the 'Ink Name' field in the color definitions dialog, which is 
read-only, change=s from the Pantone name to 'None'. I'd assumed - and that 
perhaps was my error - that this meant that the spot plate would not be output 
correctly in Ps/PDF.

In fact, if you change the name of the spot color in FrameMaker to match the 
name of the spot color in the CS app, such as Illustrator, a separations 
preview in Acrobat shows that both colors are defined as using the same plate 
in the resulting PDF. A print test of this has gone ok. [So what is the 'Ink 
Name' field for? Oh well...]

There is a related issue, to do with Illustrator: a new spot swatch in 
Illustrator (CS2) defaults to process output. You have to go into the swatch 
palette menu, select Swatch Options, and set it to output as spot for the shade 
not to result in CMYK plates. If you know that, and if you are creating your 
own artwork, there is no problem. If you don't, or aren't, it requires eight 
mouse-clicks per file to correct. I didn't, and wasn't, and there were over 420 
such files in this job :-(


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