Linda G. Gallagher wrote:
> Steve,

>  <Micro-control of text, for example adding small amounts of negative
> tracking to pull a hyphenated word back from a page foot>
> Negative tracking? 
> Thanks!

I can field this one, with some extra suggestions.

In the Paragraph and Character Designers, you can use Spread to alter 
the spacing between letters, and Stretch to alter the width of the 
characters. In the Paragraph Designer, you can alter the spacing between 

You can use these as overrides to nudge the way your text flows from 
page to page. Start early in the flow and work forward.

If you want to take up more pages, look for a paragraph where the last 
line is almost full, and then nudge the text in the paragraph until  it 
goes to a new line. If you want fewer pages, look for a paragraph where 
the text flows to a new line by one or two short words, and then nudge 
the flow to take up one less line.  THe "knock-on" effect for subsequent 
page breaks can be dramatic.

Are you using balanced columns with feathering? If so, you can also 
adjust the interline and inter-paragraph padding. In this case, look for 
orphans and widows, and use the padding limits to nudge them forward or 

Properly used, these controls can be subtle. Don't abuse them or your 
page will start looking ugly.

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