Frame 7.2 on WinXP

We are doing some work where I am getting book files from the writers and 
converting them from one template to another. Book files consist of chapters, 
text inset files, and graphic files that are referenced. The conversion itself 
is a piece of cake. However, there is a problem with the xrefs becoming broken 
because the directory structure on the originating writer's machine is 
different from mine. However, both the writer and I maintain the same relative 
paths between the book file, text insets, and graphics. But when the writer 
copies the converted files back to his machine, the xrefs are broken.

I know that there is some way to avoid having the broken xrefs, but I cannot 
recall how to do it. Does it rely on having the relative paths having the same 
name? Please advise.

Emmy Aricioglu
emmy_aricioglu at

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