Doug wrote: 

> I use cross references as a convenient way to reuse content from a
> single location.  I've defined these cross references to show up in
> black text whereas the cross references that I want people to link to
> are defined to show up in blue text.  I figured that readers will then
> know that blue text is a hyperlink and only try to click on that text.
>  No one has ever complained -- until yesterday, when an employee
> noticed the "hidden" link.  Text insets aren't really practical
> because you can only put one pience of content per file.  <snip>

Wrong. Each text inset (if it's from an FM file, not a text file) must
be a complete text _flow_, but a file can contain many flows. I have one
FM file that contains about 40 or 50 text flows used as text insets. 

If the snippets you're reusing are short, you can even put them in text
frames on a reference page. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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