In the MIFfed file I found the offending rascal. Between the closing
of the second last and the last Section level elements, where there
should have been nothing, I found:
    <FTag `'>
    <FChangeBar Yes>
    <FLocked No>
   > # end of Font

It seemed impossible to get to it in FM itself. Deleting these lines
in the MIF cleared the change bar. So this (or something similar) is
what to look for in the MIF in such cases.


On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson <bodvar at> 
> FM 7.2 XP. When looking for a way to remove a ghost revision bar at
>  the end of a paragraph last in a section in Structured FM (5 or 6
>  levels closing), I went to Format > Document > Change Bars. When
>  clicking on that (with the elements highlighted), FM crashed without
>  saving of any sort, only showing an error message for a moment and
>  telling it must close.
>  My first experience in this direction for a long time.
>  I have not tried to regenerate this error.
>  Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
>  Air Atlanta Icelandic.

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