Diane Schaefer wrote:

> If you copy and paste non-Frame, non-HTML information into 
> your (unstructured, 7.2) Frame document, the information is 
> copied into a text frame. In my documents, and perhaps in 
> yours, the font specified is Times New Roman, which isn't in 
> my font repertoire. Hence the unavailable fonts. 

When you paste from another (non-FM) source into FM, the format is
determined by a maker.ini setting (and the nature of the material
copied, of course) that looks like this: 

ClipboardFormatsPriorities=FILE, OLE 2, EMF, META, DIB, BMP, MIF, RTF,

You can override this by selecting Edit > Paste Special, and then
choosing from the available options. 

But if you regularly paste text from Word, emails, etc., into your FM
docs, I suggest you change the maker.ini setting so that text comes
first. Then, the Paste command will (for textual material) default to
pasting plain, unformatted text (which will, of course, adopt the
formatting of the pgf into which you paste it). Here's the way I have my
maker.ini line set:

ClipboardFormatsPriorities=TEXT, MIF, RTF, FILE, OLE 2, EMF, META, DIB,


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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