Hi all:

What's so strange is that the TOC hyperlinks to all the chapter
titles, but not all the chapter titles in the actual chapter have the
marker in front of them.

What I've been able to discover that that two of the original files --
the one I renamed and the one I used to create three new chapters --
have a marker, as do the three new chapters I created.

The original file that I renamed had the box marker.  The renamed file
now has the T marker.

The original file that I copied has the box marker.  Two of the three
files that I created by copying the original file also have the box
marker, but one has the T marker.

The paragraph tag is the same in all cases -- Chapter Title.  The
marker didn't stay consistent in the case of the renamed chapter, and
the marker didn't copy consistently in the case of the three copied

As far as I've been able to discern, the white box and the T are both
hyperlink markers.  Presumably the different markers indicate some
difference, but I don't know what the difference it.  And, I've just
noticed that one of other files has the white box both at the start
*and* the end of the file.  I'm not even going to go there!

I think I'm creating a tempest in a teacup, here, since the document
runs just fine, but when one of the tech writers used the template two
weeks ago, one of the chapters appeared as the *old* chapter, that I
renamed -- both the chapter title *and* the file name.  I have no idea
where it came from, and I'm afraid the marker, since it points to the
old file, is pulling the old file from an entirely different folder.
I haven't been able to duplicate that problem, so I don't know what
happened there.

Fred is right; I don't want to be deleting these markers without
knowing what their function is.  Hence, these emails.  But I'm also
running experiements to find out what does happen when I delete these
markers.  I'll be sure to let you all know if I find out anything

Thanks, Peter, for the info about how to delete the marker with the
marker dialog box open.  Also, I have consulted online Help,
Publishing Fundamentals (O'Keefe), Classroom in  Book, and FrameMaker
User Guide, and haven't so far found what the white box means.

I really appreciate everyone's feed back.


On 7/3/08, Peter Gold <peter at knowhowpro.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 8:44 AM, Deirdre Reagan <deirdre.reagan at gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > I just remembered someone's advice -- delete the whole paragraph and
> > the marker will go away.
> Edit > Find > Any Marker will find and select markers. Keep the Marker
> window open, so you can see its marker type and other information.
> Delete key will delete the marker.
> >
> > Thank you!
> >
> > Deirdre
> >
> > On 7/3/08, Deirdre Reagan <deirdre.reagan at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Thanks Peter.
> >>
> >> I tested this out.  In my TOC, all my Chapter Titles have the little
> >> white box in front of them, and all my chapter subsections (1., a.,
> >> etc) have a T in front of them.  All work as hyperlinks.
> >>
> >> In the actual chapter, the Chapter Title with a T or a little white
> >> box in front of it doesn't not work as a hyperlink.
> They are not supposed to be hyperlinks that go somewhere. They are the
> targets of hyperlinks that go to them.
> >>
> >> All TOC hyperlinks connected to all chapters, regardless of whether
> >> the chapter had a symbol.
> View > Text Symbols is a file property; perhaps some chapter files
> have them turned off, so the markers don't appear. Or, perhaps you're
> hyperlinking to a subsection on the chapter title page, so it appears
> you're going to a chapter page that has no chapter hyperlink. When you
> hyperlink somewhere, the target marker is highlighted, and the Marker
> window tells you what kind it is.
> >>
> >> None of the chapters with the symbol hyperlinked to anywhere.
> >>
> >> So I'm left with the question -- why are these symbols appearing at
> >> the begining of some of my chapter titles, in the actual chapter.
> >>
> >> I'd like to delete the symbols out of the Chapter Title in the actual
> >> chapters (not from the TOC) and see what happens, but so far I've been
> >> unsuccessful in finding any way to delete them.
> >>
> >> Any suggestions?
> Please read the Help. Search for markers, hyperlinks, generated lists,
> table of contents, find marker, etc. Also there are several excellent
> FM books, including:
> FrameMaker(R) 7: The Complete Reference by Sarah S. S. O'Keefe and
> Sheila A. A. Loring (Paperback - Jun 11, 2002)
> Publishing Fundamentals: Unstructured FrameMaker 8 by Sarah S.
> O'Keefe, Sheila A. Loring, Terry Smith (contributor), and Lydia K.
> Wong (contributor) (Paperback - Jun 16, 2008)
> Regards,
> Peter
> __________________
> Peter Gold
> KnowHow ProServices

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