Hello All,

   I'm using Frame 7.2p158 on Windows XP.

   I'm having an issue with text frames on a graphic. I need to place
some text frames to use as part labels on a graphic. I've created some
text frames and entered in the text I need for some of the callouts.
I've then tried to move them into place on the graphic (which is inside
an anchored frame). I can place some of them and they show up and I can
also select them and relocate/resize them as needed. However, some of
the text frames don't allow this. Indeed, they end up showing the text
being below the bottom margin of the text frame. I can't Control-click
on the frame to select it and I can't resize it without moving the
underlying graphic. I've tried sending the graphic to back, bringing the
text frames to front, but it doesn't make any difference. I've also
tried looking in the manual and saw something about selecting a
different color view, but it's really unclear exactly what to do there.
I've tried a couple of things with the color views and they haven't made
a difference. Can someone please tell me what's happening here?
Sometimes, I can place a text frame on top of a graphic and have it
display just fine and others I get the same effect here: the text frame
indicating the text is outside of the frame's margins. Sometimes, if I
nudge the graphic one way or another, the text reappears in the text
frame. However, that's usually if the text frame is near the edge of the
graphic. In this case, I need the text frame over the middle of the

   Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

Thanks in advance,

Samuel I. Beard, Jr.

Technical Writer

OI Analytical

979 690-1711 Ext. 222

sbeard at oico.com

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