Ah yes.  I see the problem now.  It opens the chapter but doesn't know
where to go from there.  Thank you!

That explains a lot!


On 6/17/08, Combs, Richard <richard.combs at polycom.com> wrote:
> Deirdre Reagan wrote:
> > I went to the broken cross reference, clicked on it, and it opened the
> > title page and displayed, via the dialog box, that it knew exactly
> > where it was supposed to go to find its source.  So the cross
> > reference knows what its source is, and the source is there, patiently
> > waiting, but updating the book doesn't seem to get these two piece to
> > work, without that black T.
> No, it didn't. It knew the source file for the cross-reference (and
> asked permission to open it if necessary), but not _exactly_ where to go
> in that file. It's the oversized T, which is a cross-reference marker,
> that identifies the destination.
> I just deleted a cross-reference marker (I'm using FM 7.2) and then
> double-clicked a cross-reference to it. The Cross-Reference dialog box
> showed the destination file in the Document field at the top. On the
> left, it displayed Marker Types (not Paragraphs). On the right it
> displayed the Cross-Reference Markers list, but _none was selected_.
> Because the marker that the xref used to point to wasn't in the list
> anymore.
> Setting Source Type to Paragraphs changed the left list to Paragraph
> Tags and the right list to Paragraphs. But on the left, the first item
> in the list (in my case, Body) was selected. And again, on the right, no
> specific instance of a pgf tag was selected.
> Selecting a pgf tag (in my case TitleChapter) on the left and a specific
> instance of that tag on the right fixed the xref -- by inserting a new
> cross-reference marker at the beginning of the selected pgf.
> As a convenience, FM lets you create xrefs by selecting the destination
> pgf. But when you do that, "behind the scenes," FM inserts an xref
> marker in that pgf, and it's the xref marker that identifies the
> destination. If you delete that, you have to recreate it. That's how
> cross-references work.
> See "Working with cross-reference markers" and "Resolving
> cross-references" in the help/manual.
> HTH!
> Richard
> Richard G. Combs
> Senior Technical Writer
> Polycom, Inc.
> richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
> 303-223-5111
> ------
> rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom
> 303-777-0436
> ------

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