On Tue, 17 Jun 2008 12:29:55 -0400, Jim Owens <jowens at magma.ca> wrote:

>As part of our Help production, we need a list of context-sensitive 
>markers and topic titles, like this:
>IDH_NewWidget "Adding widgets"
>IDH_EditWidget "Editing widgets"
>(The exact formatting doesn't matter; I'll be processing it anyway.) We 
>use this information to update our help testing tool, so that the tester 
>knows what topic title is associated with a given hook.
>We're using Mif2GO to generate HTML Help. I'd like to use Mif2GO to 
>create this list at the same time. (I'm also interested in reasonable 
> From early research, I think I can:
>- save the marker values as macro variables
>- save the topic titles as macro variables
>- use a FileEndCommand to pass these macro variables to a custom EXE 
>that can add them to a file.
>Is this possible?  Is there a better way?

It would be difficult.  It really needs a feature we have planned
but not yet implemented, as part of a macro enhancement project,
which would allow dynamic redirection of macro output to different

However, we looked at what would be needed to create the file you
want, and it turned out to be simple, so we did it.  We added:

; AliasTitle = No (default) or Yes (generate .hht file with titles for all
; topics containing CSH aliases, like the .hha but with titles not filenames)

This is implemented in the beta h285i.zip, now available at our 
download sites.  We credited you for the idea in hist52h.txt.
Download the beta, unzip it, and copy the dwhtm.dll in it to
your \windows\system32 dir over the existing copy.

Thank you very much for this enhancement suggestion!

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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