Thanks for clarifying this, Sam. I was thinking of non-Apple Mac
resellers who pre-install Windows for their customers, or sell a
virtual product and a Windows version with their MacTels. The Mad
resellers are barred from selling XP just as the PC resellers are.

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 12:43 PM, Sam Beard <sbeard at> wrote:
> Peter,
>   Just to clarify, you CAN'T buy a Mac with Windows XP. At least, not
> directly configured that way from Apple. A third-party store might be
> selling one with some virtualization software to go along with XP.
> Although, with Boot Camp, I suppose there COULD be a store selling one
> with Windows pre-installed and NO virtualization software included.
> Still, Apple doesn't promote this as something available at their stores
> or via the Web, AFAIK.


Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

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