On Wed, 7 May 2008 07:33:20 +1000, "bja" <moo-man at optusnet.com.au> 
wrote, but the list diddn't post it for some hours.  In between,
we answered the same post, also sent to us, directly:

>I have dozens of graphics EMBEDDED in my FrameMaker documents at various dpi
>settings. All print well of course.
>I convert to Standard HTML using Mif2Go.
>By default Mif2Go retains the FramaMaker image sizes so many of the graphics
>are unreadable in the finished HTML.
>To resolve this, I set the following statement in the mif2htm.ini file:
>In the past (using FM7.1), this setting reverted the graphics back to their
>original DPI setting and undid any FM editing as well (such as rotation).
>Now, I am using FM8.0 and the above statement does not appear to work any

It won't for embedded graphics, only for referenced.  The reason
is that with embedded graphics, we have to have Frame use its
native graphic export filters to produce images, and those always
resample the graphics to the DPI specified at the size of the 
anchored frame.

>This should have the same effect as the *=0 statement so I am wondering if
>there is something I am not taking into consideration or if this might be
>another FM8.0 issue.

It's not 8.0, it's always the case for embedded graphics.  Another
reason that's a Real Bad Idea, as if more were needed...  ;-)

>As an aside, I cannot test this as I am no longer on site and only have
>FM7.1 at home (I do have a copy of the mif2htm.ini file though). I am just
>trying to be of assistance to a previous manager so any help would be
>greatly appreciated.

What you can do is labor-intensive, but you only have to do it once:
change from embedded to referenced.  If you still have the original
graphics, you can re-import them by reference with the embedded one
selected, and the referenced one will replace the embedded.

If you *don't* have the originals, you can export the embedded ones
from Frame with Mif2Go, rename them appropriately, then re-import as
above.  See par., "Exporting embedded graphics before converting".


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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