Ah, in Properties, General tab I found the field, so I just changed it

Thanks for the other ideas, too.

I am in the process of changing over to FM 8 and Acrobat 8, but this book
was too late in the game to convert now. I'll have to figure out how to get
this to work automagically in that combo. I do have TimeSavers, so it may be
an option there. 

Linda G. Gallagher
TechCom Plus, LLC
lindag at techcomplus dot com
303-450-9076 or 800-500-3144
User guides, online help, FrameMaker and
WebWorks ePublisher templates

-----Original Message-----
From: Combs, Richard [mailto:richard.co...@polycom.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 11:38 AM
To: Linda G. Gallagher; framers at frameusers.com
Subject: RE: Title of document in Acrobat title bar

Linda G. Gallagher wrote:

> FM 7.0
> Acrobat 8.x
> I thought that the Acrobat picked up the title for the title bar from
> book file's File Info in in FM. I've put the title I want to File
> but
> it's the FM book file name that displays in the Acrobat title bar.
> How can I change this? Of course, I have to deliver the final PDF file
> today. :o

In Acrobat 7, it's on the Initial View tab of the Document Properties
dialog. Under Window Options, Show defaults to File Name. Change it to
Document Title.

I don't know how to do it automatically from FM (maybe MicroType
Timesavers?), but would like to. :-)


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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