Jim -
So my understanding is that the company you work for will not spring  
for $200 for SW that will end up saving you dozens of hours of grunt  
work and the company possibly thousands of dollars in your salary.
"For discussion's sake," let's say buy Template Mapper with your own  
funds, use it for this project, and uninstall it when you leave to go  
to a wiser and less penurious employer.
Unless your children are truly going to do without milk and shoes,  
I'd say spend the $200.

Feeling rather grumpy this Friday afternoon,

Will White
ViaLogy LLC

On May 23, 2008, at 11:17 AM, Pinkham, Jim wrote:

> Hello, all --
> I've just spent a couple of days getting our standard manual template
> tweaked and polished and localized from its timeworn Germanic origins
> (we inherited from our corporate parent across the pond). Now the task
> is to begin applying the template to new docs that are often based  
> upon
> old manuals that used the old template. Looks like Template Mapper  
> would
> be perfect for the task, but let's assume that no matter how wise and
> cost-effective and practical it might be, that $200 is not an  
> option in
> the near future. So let's not go there. We'll just postulate that's a
> good idea, and leave it at that. For discussion's sake, this is a $0
> project.
> The question is this: Just using the normal set of tools that comes  
> with
> Frame (7.1 on Windows XP SP-2), and possibly freeware, what is the
> fastest, most effective way to migrate a new template into old  
> docs. Am
> I doomed to paragraph-by-paragraph, table-by-table, and cell-by-cell
> transformations? Or are there better alternatives?
> Jim
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First Soviet Citizen: Comrade, what kind of a day is it for you?
Second Soviet Citizen: Average. Worse than yesterday, better than  

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