I have a weird problem with images (.jpg) imported by reference or copied
into FM: the image colors are very strange. For example, a white (blank)
background displays as either magenta or black (or green). Flesh-colored
hues display as royal blue. Black displays as white. Green displays as
orange. I could go on, but you get the idea.

In addition, when the document is printed to the Acrobat Distiller, the
result PDF document shows the weird colors, not the original colors as
verified in PaintShop Pro AND in Photoshop.

I have looked at the Color Views dialog, but don't know what to change, if
anything. Selecting Black and White views does not help, nor does print
color as grayscale. In the File Import dialog, I am using the default As

I have never seen this kind of problem before. Any advice?

Thanks in advance,

Valerie Lipow
vallipow at gmail.com

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