
I've noticed at times that moving the cursor around in a Frame 8 file 
can be rather sluggish.  This is when I'm using the arrow key to move 
the cursor along a line of text.  I've also noticed that using the 
shift+arrow keys to select text can be really slow as well.  However, at 
other times the cursor moves at what I consider to be a normal speed. 

The other day I think I found out why.  The movement of the cursor slows 
right down when I have Paragraph Designer open.  I did a timed test on a 
random line of text.  With PD closed, it took 4 seconds to run the 
cursor from one end of the line to the other, but with PD open it took 
14 seconds.  If I selected the line using Shift+arrow, the times were 
about the same.  I repeated the test with PD closed and Character 
Designer open, but this time it took about 5 seconds.

I've duplicated the test in Frame 6, and both PD and CD have no 
noticeable effect on the speed of the cursor movement.

Has anyone else noticed this behaviour?  It's not a big problem, just a 

I'm on Frame 8.0p277 and Win XP.




Dave Reynolds                         Phone: (64) (3) 358 1029
Senior Technical Author               Fax: (64) (3) 359 4632
Tait Electronics Ltd                  Email: dave.reynolds at tait.co.nz
PO Box 1645
New Zealand

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