Hi Jeremy

I see that this is very difficult to explain via e-mail: we seem to
misunderstand each other here.

I'll try again:

1. I have a big Word file (+600 MB) which needs to be converted to
FrameMaker. In the Word file, the pictures have been imported "copied into
document", cropped, the resolution of the pictures is way too high and some
pictures have callouts placed on top of them.

2. I open the Word file in FrameMaker and I see the following:

   - The size of my FrameMaker file is now +870 MB because, of course, the
   images are still copied into doc.
   - The cropping info is not maintained.
   - The callouts are gone, distorted, or not where they were in the Word

Yes, I  have tried the process you suggested, at least for the images which
did not have any callouts or cropping.

You suggested: "Then go through the doc in Frame; as you come to each
graphic, select it (the image, *not* the anchored frame),
identify the appropriate exported image (which is in the
original format it had when imported), and File > Import."

When I select an image (not the AFrame) and then choose File > Import >
File, however, I get the message "Cannot specify a dpi setting for the
selected graphic object" (as expected).

And yes, I know that referenced graphics are recommended in most cases.

Anyway, I have removed all the embedded graphics in the meantime (using
Klaus Mueller's Framescript - thanks again, Klaus). No need to worry about
this anymore (and the size of the FM file is now 1.7 MB instead of +870!


Yves Barbion ? Managing Director ? Adobe-Certified FrameMaker Instructor
www.scripto.nu  ? skype: yves.barbion  ? T: +32 494 12 01 89

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Jeremy H. Griffith <jeremy at omsys.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 9 Apr 2009 08:35:02 +0200, Yves Barbion <yves.barbion at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >Thank you for your help, but I'm afraid I cannot use MIF2Go for this job.
> >This is what I read in the MIF2Go Help:
> >
> >"If your document contains many images that were imported into FrameMaker
> by
> >copying instead of by reference, and these embedded images have not been
> >embellished in FrameMaker with callouts or other added features, you might
> >want to consider replacing them with referenced graphics."
> Actually, that "embellished" part is not a reason to keep the
> graphics embedded; you can use callouts with referenced graphics
> exactly the same as with embedded, and the process I suggested
> will work fine with them.  The comment in the User's Guide is
> related to a different issue, one that's not relevant here.
> >Well, the images have been "embellished" (I like the word) with
> callouts...
> >in Word ;-( And it's even worse, because the images have also been cropped
> >in Word and the pictures have been taken at a ridiculously high resolution
> >for their purpose: 10 x 15 inches @ 300 dpi, where their actual size in
> the
> >FM document should be 2.5 x 1.5 inches and 150 dpi should be more than
> >enough for PDF and laser print output.
> None of that matters at all.  Have you actually *tried* the
> process I suggested?  If you leave the embedded images in
> place until you select and replace them with the referenced
> copies Mif2Go makes for you, the referenced graphics will
> have *exactly* the same settings as the embedded ones do.
> You will not see any visible difference at all.  But your
> Frame file will be a lot smaller, and more stable.
> HTH!
> -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
>  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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