(cross-posted to techwr, framers, and HATT)

Hi, guys...

My chapter's next program is on using wikis for document collaboration
and Web2.0. Because it seems that blogs and wikis go hand in hand and
they both fall under 2.0, I'm compiling a list of popular tech writing
blogs that I'll be listing in my chapter's (NYMetro) next newsletter.

So...my question is, what are the leading tech writing blogs that I
should mention in the newsletter. The one's that I have at this point
are Tom Johnson's I'dRatherBeWriting, Anne Gentles juswriteclick (who
happens to be our speaker), Scott Abel's Content Wranger, the Solitary
Scrivener, and Lindsey's beyondwords.

Any others that you-guys like to hang out on?  Please...no links to
blog lists...I can Google with the best of them. I want to know which
one's YOU think are the good ones.


John Posada
Senior Technical Writer

NYMetro STC President
"Register for our next event on wikis by going to

Looking for the next gig.

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