Hi All,

I'm working on a DITA/Frame project right now and am faced with a graphics
challenge <go figure>. The client currently uses EPS illustrations with
callouts and leader lines applied to the drawing in the Frame graphics box.
Most are simple lettered callouts but there are also some illustrations with
text that must be translated into 24 languages. So, sounds to me like a good
application for SVGs.

Can anyone speak to using SVGs with DITA and Frame?

As always, your help is appreciated!

Mollye Barrett
ClearPath, LLC
content management solutions
414-331-1378 (cell)
 <http://www.clearpath.cc> www.clearpath.cc
 <http://www.twitter.com/mollye> http://www.twitter.com/mollye

speaking dates

The RealWorld DITA Conference
September 14-15
Raleigh, NC  <http://www.aboveandbeyondlearning.com/ditaconference.html>

October 25-27
New Orleans, Louisiana
 <http://www.lavacon.org/> http://www.lavacon.org/?

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