Fred Ridder wrote:

> If you define a table format with the Top and Bottom settings for
> Cell Margins set to 0 pts, the table will have no affect whatsoever on
> line spacing that you define for your code listing paragraph style.
> of cake.

Not quite, Fred. If you do only that, FM puts the first line of the pgf
at the very top of the cell (assuming Cell Vertical Alignment is Top),
regardless of the line spacing -- just as it does at the top of a text
frame. And the last line of the pgf sits at the bottom of the cell
(unless a min. row height changes that). The Line Spacing setting
affects only lines of text within the same cell. Lines of text in
adjacent cells will have no space between them. 

You have to set the pgf's top cell margin to the same value as line
spacing minus font size (or you could do it with the bottom cell margin,
or split it between the two, but I prefer using space above to control
vertical spacing for almost everything). Or you can do it with the
table's default cell margins. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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