Technically true, Jacob.

However, why didn't Microsoft make it easy on everyone in the first 
place, since on inception of their OS printing was the major output? Why 
in the past 20 years didn't they correct their arrogant assumption that 
RGB was the only color output scheme that was needed?

A hack is a hack. Not an acceptable way to do business.


On 12/9/09 2:21 PM, Jacob Sch?ffer wrote:
> Yves Barbion wrote:
> <  I don't want to select the "Convert CMYK Colors to RGB" option. In fact, I
> never want to "convert" colors ...>
> I agree. However, remapping with what-ever tool is also lossy, but NOT as 
> lossy as the Windows FrameMaker generated CMYK ->  RGB conversion (which 
> generates highly oversaturated images with the CMYK-K component nearly evenly 
> added to a canonical CMY ->  RGB conversion). This conversion IS performed by 
> FrameMaker, NOT Windows GDI.
> Windows GDI does NOT support CMYK as input, *but* it can output CMYK 
> according to ICC profiles as long as the input is RGB. That's not common 
> knowledge, but is a fact afterall. Windows GDI also fully support "custom" 
> data injection, which FrameMaker *does* support for EPS streams, but 
> *doesn't* for CMYK bitmap streams. Loading CMYK bitmaps in Windows GDI 
> requires a hack anyway, so why not make this hack complete?
> The omission in this regard articulate in my view lazy programming, but I'm 
> sure Adobe has a reason for not finalizing this CMYK hack.
> Instead of implementing generic routines that inject valid CMYK and SPOT 
> color data into *ALL* output formats that support those color spaces, Adobe 
> has chosen to implement only a single route with (partly) support for this, 
> namely the "Save As PDF" route. You can NOT *print* CMYK or SPOT colours to a 
> CMYK device from FrameMaker, so you can NOT judge colors correctly on printed 
> output. You have to Save As PDF and then print the resulting PDF to do so.
> Scott wrote:
> <  Again we are hoist upon Microsofts petard. Microsoft has NEVER been able 
> to print CMYK. Only Linux and the Mac platform have handled it well.>
> Not true. Windoes GDI can output CMYK colour if you activate Colour 
> Management. Windows GDI allow anyone to pass on custom data streams not 
> supported by Windows GDI. Hence, if you write an application that need 
> support for CMYK and SPOT colours, it up to you to inject such "custom" data.
> In this case it's a deliberate Adobe-choice NOT to make the required changes 
> in FrameMaker, and Windows GDI is not to blame anymore.
> Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
> Jacob Sch?ffer  |  Chief Developer
> ----------------------------------
> Grafikhuset (House of Graphics)
> Paradis All? 22, Raml?se
> DK-3200 Helsinge, Denmark
> Phone: +45 4439 4400
> Email: js at
> Web:

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