Andersen, Verner wrote: 

> In most chapters I use sideheads, but not in the TOC, Index and
> Glossary. Although the master pages are set up not to have sideheads
> there are sideheads in the generated lists if I import the formats
> my template and update the book.
> If I remove the sidehead from the body page and update the book the
> sideheads are gone.
> Is it the paragraph formats for the generated lists in my template
> create the sideheads? How should the format be set, so that sideheads
> are not created?

No. Room for Side Heads is a property of the text flow. Although it's
set in the Customize Text Frame dialog box, leading many people to
believe it's a frame property, turning it on/off for one text frame in a
flow turns it on/off for all. It has nothing to do with paragraph

I presume your template file has side heads turned on in its main flow.
When you import formats from it, don't import Page Layouts. 

Set up the master pages in the TOC the way you want them, with side
heads off. Then you can use that file as a template for future generated
lists. :-)


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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