Susan Curtzwiler wrote:

>   A couple of weeks ago, I successfully used "Import by copy into
> from Word 2007 to FMKR 7.
>   Today, all I get in the conversion box is a list of files to choose
> it does not include Word 2007 as a lone option, only Word for Windows
> 6.0/7.0.
>  Then, I get an error message:  The filter encountered an error and
> not complete the translation. I tried to use three different Word
> My coworker and I are using only Word 2007 -- so I can't figure out
> this issue is giving us trouble.

I don't think you're remembering right -- FM 7 predates Word 2007 by
several years and can't open or import Word 2007 files. FM 7 handles
only Word 2003 or earlier.

But Word 2007 can save a doc in "Word 97-2003 format." Maybe the doc you
successfully imported had been saved in that format. 

When I got Office 2007 on my new PC, IT set it up to use the older file
format by default (a.k.a., "Compatibility Mode") to avoid problems
exchanging files. Maybe you can get yours set up that way too, or use
Save As every time. 

BTW, instead of _importing_ the Word doc into your FM destination doc,
you'll probably have better results if you _open_ the Word doc, clean up
and reformat in the resulting new FM doc, and then move the clean
content to the FM destination doc. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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