
I am developing a new template by recycling an old template.  The new 
template has a different page size and, although all the format names 
are the same, the format definitions are different.

How surprising to find that the first reference page had acquired the 
new page size but all the other ref pages still had the old template's 
page size.  I saved the partly customised template to MIF, opened it in 
Notepad++ (it supports Unicode) and changed all the <PageSize 210.0 mm 
297.0 mm> lines in the ReferencePage definitions to <PageSize 150.0 mm 
225.0 mm>, then saved the template.mif file.

Opening the MIF file in FM 8 now showed reference pages (other than the 
first, which was correct) were now dimensioned 150 mm High x 210 mm 
Wide.   So where is the MIF file (or FM) remembering one dimension but 
applying the other incorrectly?  Note that page width precedes page 
height in a <PageSize ...> statement for BodyPage, MasterPage, and 
ReferencePage elements.

Probably not a high priority for Adobe to fix but it sure confuses the 
users when they are confronted by this departure from the page sizes 
elsewhere in the template.  Any explanations welcome, the wilder the better.



Hedley Finger

28 Regent Street   Camberwell VIC 3124   Australia
Tel. +61 3 9809 1229   Fax. (call phone first)
Mob. (cell) +61 412 461 558
Email. "Hedley Finger" <hfinger at>

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