The complete procedure, from start to finish, with an alternate method.
1. Type email address; i.e., name at
2. Copy email address to clipboard (highlight email address, press Ctrl+C)
3. Select Special > Hypertext
4. In Hypertext dialog, select pulldown and select Go to URL
5. In Hypertext dialog, add "mailto:"; in Syntax area, without double-quotes
6. In Hypertext dialog, paste ( press Ctrl+V) or type email address after 
7. Hypertext dialog Syntax are should now reflect "message URL mailto:name at
8. Click New hypertext marker.
The suggestion of creating a Character Format; i.e., URL, with font color set 
to Blue and all other characteristics set to As Is, gives the reader the visual 
clue that this is a link, is a very good suggestion. Most people are used to 
links appearing as Blue text. You could also set the Underline attribute. 
Again, what most users should be used to.
A second way to accomplish this, if you are creating a PDF of the file, is to 
type your email address as "mailto:name at" and let Acrobat apply the 
Hypertext link characteristics. Acrobat 8 does this automatically, although it 
doesn't apply Blue or Underline to the link. The user must mouse over the link 
to realize it is a link. Check Acrobat help for a possible way to have Acrobat 
apply these attributes.

--- On Thu, 1/1/09, Fred Ridder <docudoc at> wrote:

From: Fred Ridder <>
Subject: RE: converting email addresses to hyperlink
To: amakeler at, framers at
Date: Thursday, January 1, 2009, 7:51 AM

Avi Makeler asked:> Ok, I typed those things in the Command and Syntax
> Now where is the OK (or Set) button ...?
> (I tried clicking on *Make View-Only *and it locked up my book. Then it
> frantic call to a friend to get myself unlocked...)

How about the "New Hypertext Marker" button?

Also, your precedure should start with applying a character format to the 
address string as it appears in the text. This defines the "hot spot"
for the
hypertext command. If you don't apply a character format (which doesn't
necessarily need to make anything *look* different, although that is 
generally a good idea for usability), the the active area for the hypertext
command will extend all the way to the end of the paragraph.

Then use Ctrl+C to copy the string to the clipboard. This allows you to
paste it into the Hypertext marker syntax box rather than having to 
retype it and possibly make a typo. You'll still have to type the
manually, though.

-Fred Ridder

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