My experience is that if you leave the Find dialog box to edit something, FrameMaker knows this and starts its search over from the last location of the cursor in the flow until it has circled through the file back to the cursor spot. If you don't jump from the Find dialog into the document, FrameMaker only goes through the file once. I know of no way to have it stop once it reaches the end of the file without circling back through if I've made a change in the document that wasn't using the Find dialog.
-----Original Message----- From: [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Nancy Allison Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 4:05 PM To: framers at Subject: Why does Frame cycle 2x ? Whenever I use "Find" in a book, Frame always cycles twice through each chapter file before going on to the next chapter file. How come? How do I make it STOP. --Nancy ____________________________ This email has been scanned.