Hi Marta

I guess the anchoring position of these anchored frames is "Below Current
Line"? In that case, I think the only option you have is a Framescript which
changes the width of the frame and the "offset from left" setting of the
graphic within the frame.

An other (and better) option is to put the anchored frames in an empty
paragraph (you can also do this with a framescript), which you give a
dedicated paragraph tag, for example z_anchor. You set the line spacing of
this paragraph to "variable": Paragraph Designer > Basic tab > Line Spacing
> clear the Fixed check box. The line spacing will then automatically adjust
itself to the height of the anchored frame. Now, if you need to change the
positioning of the graphics, all you have to do is simply change the setting
in the Paragraph Designer for z_anchor, for example indent, but also space
above or below, alignment...


Yves Barbion ? Managing Director ? Adobe-Certified FrameMaker Instructor
www.scripto.nu  ? skype: yves.barbion  ? T: +32 494 12 01 89

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 7:40 AM, Berman, Marta <marta.berman at hp.com> wrote:

> Is there a shortcut for changing the indentation of a graphic within an
> anchored frame? Our FM template is being modified to change the indentation
> of lots of paragraph tags, and we will all have to manually modify the
> indentation of almost all of our graphics - unless you happen to know of a
> framescript, macro, shortcut, or anything that can save us from this
> colossal task...
> Thanks
> Marta
> Marta Berman
> API and Database Information Engineer          Work:     03-539-9267
> Hewlett-Packard Software                                 Cell:
>  052-833-7723
> Building M3, Floor 3, Cube 369                           Fax:
>  03-533-1617
> 5 Altlafe Street
> Yehud, Israel
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