
If I may suggest, you may want to join Linkedin and start a local NY metro 
group. It's a great way to network and the individual groups can include 
calendars and such to help facilitate more focused, in person, networking.

Doubt I'd be of much help to you, as I'm in Ohio, but i'd be happy to include 
you in my network.

 ( ) 

>>> John Posada <jposada99 at> 1/29/2009 3:04 PM >>>
Hi, guys...hope this isn't out of line for this list, but at times
like these when everyone says network, network, netwiork, I'd like to
reach out to the writers in the NY metro area.

Some of us are out of work and looking, and some of you are working
and trying to stay that way.  I'd like to start a "club" that will
meet in person for the purpose of finding/keeping/referring jobs.
Maybe we can compare notes, maybe help each other critique each
other's resumes and portfolios, pasing along opportunities for
freelance work that may not be a fit for you but good for someone
esle, yada yada.

It's gotta be better than just sitting home, responding to Dice, and
otherwise, contemplating our navels.

What do you think? If there is enough interest, I can start up a Yahoo
group just for this purpose and figure out scheduling for getting
together maybe every 2 weeks? This is open to both those who are in
positions and those who are not. Besides...what better way to meet
socially and since it is job-search related, mostly tax deductable
(but that's between you and your accountant)

Respond off-list please and for the purpose I'm describing, please be
in the NY metro area..

John Posada
Senior Technical Writer
NYMetro STC President

Looking for the next gig.

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