Garnier Garnier wrote:
> The issue is with FM 7.0 and Acrobat Pro 9.0. I have tried all
> suggestions provided on the list including the patch sent by Adobe.
> NOTHING works. 

You do not seem to have tried simply accepting the extremely clear 
answer from Dov Isaacs, an official spokesperson for Adobe and the one 
person on the planet who knows PDF better than anyone:

>> To be as clear as possible, the "save as PDF" feature of FrameMaker
>> 7 is not at all compatible with Acrobat 7, 8, or 9!
>> - Dov

Your software versions are incompatible, Garnier.  Look for other 
solutions, not a fix for the unfixable.

Best regards,

Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

"It is not enough that I succeed.
  Others must fail."

-- Oscar Wilde

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