   Any numbering you specify in individual book components will be updated 
when you update a book and specify you want numbering to be updated.

   To set section numbers, use Add > Folder from the book window to create 
a folder in the book and put the sections inside the folder. The options on 
the Section tab of the Numbering Properties dialog box will no longer be 
grayed out.  (Subsection numbers can be set in nested folders.)


At 12:07 PM 7/20/2009, Dustin Wilcox wrote:
>Have a problem I hope you can help me with. Building a manual for a client
>in which they want each section as a separate file. I'm using $chapnum and
>$sectionnum to derive my numbering scheme. I set the section number in each
>file (not from the book, it's greyed out when trying it from the book) and
>it filters down as it should. The problem arises when I pull all the section
>into a book to create a chapter. When I update the book all my section
>numbers revert back to 1. If I uncheck numbering in the update book dialog
>box, the problem goes away. But that's a bad work around that causes other
>problems and not a fix. I can't see anything in my autonumbering that is
>causing it nor does Googling reveal any bugs. Has anyone else ran into this?
>Any ideas to try?

Lynne A. Price
Text Structure Consulting, Inc.
Specializing in structured FrameMaker consulting, application development, 
and training
lprice at txstruct.com            http://www.txstruct.com
voice/fax: (510) 583-1505      cell phone: (510) 421-2284 

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