I noticed that the crash does NOT occur if focus is removed from the 
drop down menu.
If focus is on the tabs, there is no crash when using pageup or pagedown.

I'm using FM8.0p277 on XP.


Simon BUCH wrote:
> Hello Framers,
> I am a bit of a keyboard junkie, and I've encounted a bug with the
> numbering properties dialog which is irritating me again and again.   I
> currently use FrameMaker 8.0p277 on XP, and I would be interested to see
> if this has been fixed in the FM9 version.
> To reproduce the bug:
> 1. !fn        [File > New > document > portrait]
> 2. !en        [Format > Document > Numbering]
> 3. Ctrl-pagedown
> 4. Ctrl-pageup
> Can someone try this out with FM9?
> // Simon BUCH -- M-AIS eAIP consultant
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Don Rinderknecht -- 405.325.2805 (Office)
Meteorologist Instructor/Developer
Warning Decision Training Branch, Norman, OK, http://www.wdtb.noaa.gov
(This message was sent from my laptop... I could be anywhere...)
"I'm lookin' at a tin star with a drunk pinned on it." - Cole Thornton (John 
Wayne), El Dorado (1967)

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