It depends on how the graphics were inserted. When you insert graphics 
in Word you have the option to link them to the source file. If they are 
inserted and linked (or just linked), than in all versions of Word until 
Word 2007 you could select the graphic and press SHIFT+F9 to reveal the 
field code including the path. If they are inserted in the doc (and not 
linked), than Word saved them in the doc itself so there is no path.

Shmuel Wolfson
Technical Writer

Carol J. Elkins wrote:
> I've been given a CD with over 1500 graphic files of all formats on 
> it. These graphics are used in a MSWord-formatted manual that I need 
> to convert to FrameMaker. Unlike FrameMaker, which can easily 
> generate a list of external files used and will also display the 
> filename of each referenced graphic, to my knowledge there is no way 
> to determine the filename of any graphic used in a Word doc.
> I can easily generate a thumbnail catalog of the graphic files on the 
> CD using Photoshop so that I can visually locate each photo in the 
> manual. But geez I so seriously do not want to have to do that. Does 
> anyone know a workaround in Word that will help me identify all of 
> these graphic files? A macro? I am not a Word guru so all help is appreciated.
> Carol
> ******************************************
> Carol J. Elkins---A Written Word LLC
> Making Information Understandable
> Phone: 719-948-3773
> mailto:celkins at
> *******************************************
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